
Monday, March 7, 2011

Which side to choose...

Ok guys, it's one of those nights where I just can't sleep because my mind is racing over anything and everything (believe me, I spent thirty minutes tossing and turning and thinking about what to make in pottery class). My brain finally landed on the hot topic for the year at my University (Harding University in Arkansas). For those of you who don't know, there was a recent E-zine published by current and former students entitled huqueerpress. Yes, I said queerpress. The zine is about homosexuality at Harding (go figure from the title) and about how these people feel as if they do not have a voice and are being literally persecuted. Reading through this website made me almost come to tears. Not just because of the pain these men and women have gone through, but also because of the harsh light they are placing on the university. As Dr. Burkes stated in chapel, the code of conduct says nothing about homosexuality, merely speaks against pre-marital sex of any kind, including both heterosexual and homosexual. Why then did these people feel the need to lash out at the Harding authority, even calling faculty out by name? As I thought about it, I realized that they needed someone to blame. Someone to blame for being unaccepted, cast out, shoved into hiding. Few blame God... most still worship Him even through this. They need someone tangible to lash out at. Let's face it, as Christians, we are usually complete hypocrites. We say that we will love all people no matter what, as long as.... they do this this and this. Conditional positive regard. Now, I am not saying we should condone homosexuality, for the Bible clearly states that it is an abomination. However, God loved all people, in spite of their sins and shortcomings. If we judge people and cast them out for their sin, what it keeping God from doing the same thing to us? Only through love will we win the hearts of the people. Love and Prayer, not curses and forced conversion. If only we Christians as a body could see what we are doing to the world! By casting the first stone we are pushing the world farther and farther away. We need to lead by example, not push the world into the "perfect Christian mold" while we sit back and watch. Let's face it -  there is no such thing as a "perfect Christian"... the only perfect one was Christ Himself. So think about this next time you point a finger. And for those we are pointing at.... don't give up on God - HE will never leave or forsake you. You have to be the one to push Him away. His hand is always open, ready for you to accept His gift. Just something to think about....