
Monday, March 7, 2011

Which side to choose...

Ok guys, it's one of those nights where I just can't sleep because my mind is racing over anything and everything (believe me, I spent thirty minutes tossing and turning and thinking about what to make in pottery class). My brain finally landed on the hot topic for the year at my University (Harding University in Arkansas). For those of you who don't know, there was a recent E-zine published by current and former students entitled huqueerpress. Yes, I said queerpress. The zine is about homosexuality at Harding (go figure from the title) and about how these people feel as if they do not have a voice and are being literally persecuted. Reading through this website made me almost come to tears. Not just because of the pain these men and women have gone through, but also because of the harsh light they are placing on the university. As Dr. Burkes stated in chapel, the code of conduct says nothing about homosexuality, merely speaks against pre-marital sex of any kind, including both heterosexual and homosexual. Why then did these people feel the need to lash out at the Harding authority, even calling faculty out by name? As I thought about it, I realized that they needed someone to blame. Someone to blame for being unaccepted, cast out, shoved into hiding. Few blame God... most still worship Him even through this. They need someone tangible to lash out at. Let's face it, as Christians, we are usually complete hypocrites. We say that we will love all people no matter what, as long as.... they do this this and this. Conditional positive regard. Now, I am not saying we should condone homosexuality, for the Bible clearly states that it is an abomination. However, God loved all people, in spite of their sins and shortcomings. If we judge people and cast them out for their sin, what it keeping God from doing the same thing to us? Only through love will we win the hearts of the people. Love and Prayer, not curses and forced conversion. If only we Christians as a body could see what we are doing to the world! By casting the first stone we are pushing the world farther and farther away. We need to lead by example, not push the world into the "perfect Christian mold" while we sit back and watch. Let's face it -  there is no such thing as a "perfect Christian"... the only perfect one was Christ Himself. So think about this next time you point a finger. And for those we are pointing at.... don't give up on God - HE will never leave or forsake you. You have to be the one to push Him away. His hand is always open, ready for you to accept His gift. Just something to think about....


  1. That guy said, "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged and with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again." In laymen terms, however you judge you folk you're going to be judged.

    In this case, you're talking about a religious schooling institution, a smoldering pit of hypocrisy. Plus, the stereotyped image of a religious school is a immediate target for any group that does not fall under the 'norm'. [Norm: A devout Muslim in Mosque, for example. A Baptist at a Mosque = not normal] This sort of 'problem' appears not just in Harding, but every school, and a thousand folds more ridiculous at any religion based school.

    Homosexuality has especially become everyone's 'abomination' instead of say... Murder, adultery, necrophilia, or back seat drivers. Though it is obviously wrong in the Bible (even in the New Testament--Romans--so you can't get it offed out by the replacement of the Jewish law) the church loves to go after 'em.

    Both the religious institution and the homosexual community are generally (I say generally, as there are exceptions) at fault. In the end, hypocrisy and self-assigned so called 'righteousness' has replaced 'God'.

    Meant as a disturbing joke, you would be more likely looked upon as 'savable' for engaging in necrophilia than from being a homosexual.

    The problem now at the core is how do you tell the homosexual community they're wrong? They want to be accepted, not told they are at fault. The above is the nature of the beast.

    Everybody's wrong and that's why I don't go to a religious college. Too much two-faced folks going about spouting their jargon. So much easier to argue politics.

  2. I understand your heart in this, but we must remember what God's word has to say about situations such as these. God sees a distinct difference between judging believers and non-believers. Here are Paul's words in 1 Cor 5:9-13 (NASB)...

     9I wrote you in my letter (P)not to associate with immoral people;

     10I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with (Q)idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world.

     11But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called (R)brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or (S)an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler--not even to eat with such a one.

     12For what have I to do with judging (T)outsiders? (U)Do you not judge those who are within the church?

     13But those who are outside, God judges. (V)REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES.

    *Excuse the weird footnotes, I am typing on my iPad, so it came out weird.

  3. To Mark:
    Yes, I agree that today's Christian colleges are becoming more and more of an exclusive club than a tool used in education for reaching the lost. We need to break out of our shell and try to reach others, for that is what we are here to do. However, like you said, how do we do this without pushing them farther away? This is a question that seems to go more in circles the deeper you delve into its nature.
    To Maranda:
    Yes, I agree that we need to be set apart and not associate the Christian name with homosexuality. But at the same time, if we are exclusive, how will we reach the lost to convince them to turn in their ways? We can not cause any man to change against his will, but we need to be a set apart, loving example of the true nature of God. Yes, there are those that will try to win us over to another viewpoint. We have to stand strong in what we believe, and not let our love turn to blindness.

  4. I've never understood the iPad, I mean web surfing without flash? Bah! I've always felt tablets are over sized phones... Without the phone part.

    The homosexual community wants to be accepted, I never said they should or shouldn't. I'm standing in the middle like an observer who's more interested in eating his breakfast (which technically I am) than jumping to one side of the line or another. And honestly, I don't really have a heart in this. It's a sorta 'whatever' situation to me. I like theology, but politics are a lot more enjoyable to debate and discuss. Theology gets all sorts of knackered.

    The stereotype that Church’s beat gays with a Bible thinking “that'll help them.” But that's like beating a baby with a brick trying to stop it from crying. It just gets messy. The CPS and the police get involve and next thing you know you're in jail for arson. If the gay community is looked upon with disgust (except Californians and let’s say… Episcopalians) the anxious desire for equality escalates. This was proven by the Church itself, actually. (The following is a generalized statement) They feel persecuted, so they don’t look for redemption but equality. This ‘persecution’ only further endows them with the idea that they are, in fact, right Biblically.

    We forget that the homosexuals are thrown into the fornicators, murderers, liars, drunks, and idolaters according to the bible. Now that’s a lot of people! Anyone who’s had impure thoughts about say, murdering; anybody who’s had pre-marital sex, people who are obsessed with playing on their iPhone instead of reading the Bible, anybody who went to college, and anyone who lies. If you’re a drunk you get to go to an AA meeting and if you’re gay you get to go to hell. Meanwhile if you have pre-marital sex most of your ‘Christian’ guy buddies will be giving you high fives. You kill Jimmy, the annoying neighbor’s fiendish miniature poodle (see ‘rat’ for better more info) you go see a shrink and then everybody who has gone through puberty, male or female. To clarify most folks look back and think of these things as wrong and repent, change, or do whatever. Meanwhile, the homosexual community still believes they are whatever. And there people, young assistants in the church that I can point out for example, that engage in pre-marital sex who believe its fine too. Or think it is wrong not because of biblical reasons, but personal. People sit in pews every Sunday, crosses weighted around their necks, and preaching loudly and very annoyingly on the TV that are basically, liars. If not sometimes amusing ones. The Crusades, the Inquisition, or the Salem Witch trials: most are overblown yes, but still great examples. There are many more, too.

    I despise doing this because honestly I despise Lifeway. They did a survey and %72 of folks thought the church was hypocritical.

    My point: Hypocrisy in the church and because of it the inability for it to reach out to the homosexual community. They want equality and not to be told they’re wrong. All they want to hear is they’re right, which Biblically you can’t do. The homosexual community is often under attack and very skeptical thusly the stereotypes and hypocritical state (a fact at many places) of the Church makes for a rough situation. Unless if the church changes its approach, which it can do without compromising its views, you’re going absolutely nowhere. Both sides are wrong; both in stupidity, hypocrisy, and probably biblically too.

    Everything I said was blown a little higher than reality, or maybe it wasn’t. Who knows? It’s just a point.

    Of course everyone forgets in the twentieth century alone over 100 million people were murdered by their own atheistic governments—Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.

    Final point: Gays want to get married, have children, and go to church. Next they'll be advocating school vouchers, boycotting HBO, and voting Republican.

  5. Melody: You'll probably run in circles, hit a brick wall. I'd bring some band aids. It's not a situation with one simple answer. That is kinda another problem with what folks do now anyways. Each situation might have a different technique required. Like working on cars, or even computers.

    The human mind gets 'relaxed' into following the same approach every time. Even if it doesn't work. Because that's 'the way'. Like people showing up everyday at work at a dead-end job. Just going, not thinking of moving forward. That should be a sin too or something.

  6. Well, I think it is important to distinguish between the lost, unrepentant believers, and repentant believers. Paul specifically stated in the passage that he was not referring to the lost...he was talking about people who called themselves believers, yet refused to repent. This is also different from those sincere believers who are repentant and truly wish to be restored. From what I've read here the people of whom you are speaking seem to fall under the category of "so-called" brothers that Paul was talking about. Remember, God loves them more than you do and His word says to have nothing to do with them. In cases like this, we have to believe that God knows how best to reach people and in some cases the best way for them to be reached by Him is for us to butt out of it for a while.

  7. I think I should add that should these "so-called brothers" wish to repent and seek restoration, they know where to find it...the church.

  8. God works through people, that's the issue. Well, maybe penguins, but they're awfully cute. That's like sitting down and saying, "God will pick my wife." You'll have cats. Lots of them.

    I believe we're talking about a third category. They want to be right. They want their belief to be justified by the church, and their opinions made equal.

    Actually, they don't. The church doesn't appear to them, as it does to you. Many don't seek sanctuary or forgiveness.

    Also, there's plenty of people who don't read or care what the Bible says. Many church's too. Look at the Baptist doctrine that drinking is bad, while Paul himself says it's good and Jesus's first miracle was turning water into wine, not grape juice.
